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Foldingtext 2 2 – Markdown Text Editor With Productivity Features

I’m exploring this zettelkasten thing. I am attempting to “own” my own data by building out the linked web in markdown. I’m a vim fan, but I’m looking at other tools too. Doublepane 1 7 3.

As I’ve lurked productivity twitter I’ve noticed that a lot of the digitalZettelkasten1 systems that I’ve seen fall into two categories: ones usingmarkdown plain text files, and ones using a dedicated tool likeRoam/Notion/Evernote. Systems using markdown files can differ wildly giventhe needs of the particular user, and their favorite text editor.

As I’ve tried to build my own system my goals were simplicity and portability.I want files that are compatible with different apps and editors, so that I caneasily take my knowledge-base anywhere.

For those who love plain text. FoldingText is the markdown text editor with productivity features. Unlike other editors, FoldingText does outlining, todo lists, and more. “An incredibly easy-to-use combination of plain text based tools.” – Pierre Wizla, AppStorm.net “It seems kind of. For Mac users who love plain text. FoldingText is the markdown text editor with productivity features. Unlike other editors, FoldingText does outlining, todo lists, and more. One editor that is very good, attractive, and feature-rich is Markdown Pad. Its signature feature is a live preview, which renders your Markdown text into HTML. Markdown Pad also has helpful keyboard shortcuts for all the Markdown syntax you'll use, which makes writing Markdown very quick and pleasurable. For Mac users who love plain text. FoldingText is the markdown text editor with productivity features. Unlike other editors, FoldingText does outlining. For Mac users who love plain text. FoldingText is the markdown text editor with productivity features. Unlike other editors, FoldingText does outlining, todo lists, and more.Simple Plain text Outline formatting Fold and Focus to see Surprisingly Adept Live formatting Scripts, t.

After intense research I discovered my “new” idea is an old idea2. Here iswhat the experts at Zettelkasten.de say is be the most compatible markdownformat for plain-text Zettelkasten files:

There is more detail about the parts of a simple markdown zettelkasten over atzettelkasten.de.

Implementation Details


In the original paper implementation3, notes relate to other notes byproximity, and by a ID-powered link.

In a digital format you have a couple different ways to relate notes: Folders,Links, and Tags. I won’t concern myself too much with folders in this document…I will probably have a very flat file structure, only occasionally usingfolders for very specific domains (work vs. home, etc.)


Macbooster 7 2 2. Markdown has a syntax for making a link via [link text](url/or/path/to/file).While this is great, I have found that it’s nice to have a separate syntaxspecifically for the in-archive links between notes.4

Although it’s not part of the official markdown spec, it seems a fair number ofmajor editors5 support “wikilink” or “freelink”style links (e.g., [[link]]). Theones that don’t6 are more prose-writing centric rather than notes databases,so I feel pretty comfortable continuing down this path.

Some of these editors prefer links without the file extension (just thefilename/title), and some support the file extension. For maximum backwardscompatibility, I recommend the full filename and extension.


There are many different ways to represent a tag7, but using #hashtagsinside of MMD/YAML front matter is the most compatible implementation.

Lightwave 3d 2018 0 4 – 3d animation software freeware. The incredibly organized @sirupsen is using#hashtagstylein the body of the zettel, but that can conflict with the markdown syntax for aheader, so I’m worried about the ramifications8. Putting the hashtags intothe MMD frontmatter dodges this issue by keeping them outside the normalmarkdown, while still letting some apps search for and take advantage of thecommon hashtag format9.

Its just files

I am constantly distracted by lovely tools

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